JS energy Team has developed the Advanced Combustion Control (ACC) solution that ensures highest performance of industrial boilers. Based on the analysis of systems equipment, boiler configuration and its operation, we tailor-make the ACC product for a specific boiler. The solution is applicable on industrial boilers fired by all types of fuels, i.e. coal, biomass and waste. Boilers firing single or multiple fuels can be handled, e.g. co-firing of coal and biomass (wood pallets, leftovers etc.).
The ACC solution is flexible in design with the possibility of making a custom-made user interface directly in the DCS/PLC systems.
ACC solution applies available system measurements and uses them in intelligent real-time control. The information about the combustion process are gathered from different measuring systems and led into a mathematical model of a boiler. By using a cost function in conjunction with specific combustion constraints (multi-criteria optimization), the optimal settings of the manipulated variables are identified and fed back into the plant DCS/PLC system.ACC technology is based on iterative optimization procedure over a predicted horizon, the result of which are optimal settings of manipulated variables – dampers, conveyor belt speeds, excess oxygen, over-fire air etc. At present time, a current state of the system is applied to calculate optimal strategy based on cost function for the future interval. It is online calculation of optimal settings considering current and past measurements of controlled variables, desired goals and system limitations.
In such a way, optimal operational settings are achieved at all times ensuring sustainable and efficient use of resources, thus reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution.
ACC is one of the most profitable approaches among primary measures for industrial boilers. Benefits of the ACC are:
- Increased boiler efficiency
- Reduced exhaust gas emissions
- Reduced slagging/fouling
- Decreased boiler degradation
- Improved process quality
ACC technology represents relatively a low investment with respect to other primary-measure technologies (e.g. low-NOx burners, air staging, fuel staging etc.). In addition, ACC does not require system shut down for its installation or commissioning.
Application Areas
Our services include the following areas of the ACC applications:
- Pulverized-coal boilers
- Circulating Fluidised Bed (CFB) boilers
- Tangential-fired boilers
- Biomass boilers
- Biomass co-fired with coal
- Waste heat boilers
- Gas and Oil boilers